Welcome to Fumbling Towards Eternity 3.0!

Where in the world have I been, you ask?

“You know… walking the earth, meeting people, getting into adventures.”

No, I’m nowhere near as cool as Jules Winfield, but I *have* been doing some wandering. Mostly in my head.

I’ve been having… I dunno… an identity crisis or a “what’s the point?” crisis or something like that.

Feeling like something had changed, either in me or in this little community of Constant Readers, and I couldn’t figure it out! Maybe I stopped looking for stories and started writing too many book reviews. Maybe I stopped being authentic and started trying to be the best parts of my favorite bloggers.

What I do know is that I felt pointless and scattered, spread too thin? I wasn’t doing myself any good and I wasn’t blessing any of you. So I stopped writing and started praying – HARD. I need a clear mission: a way for my eye to be healthy (Mt 6:22,23), clearly focused on one thing.

So I looked at the name – Fumbling Towards Eternity has always held a deep resonance for me – the dream I’ve had of ministering as an outpost where spiritual orphans could share stories – and my passion to minister to others from my own wounds. And while I’m not sure I’ve got it all worked out, I think I have a much better idea.

FTE 3.0 is where we will minister to one another, while I fumble closer and closer to growing up as a minister of Jesus Christ. My world isn’t how God wants it, and I want to be part of the solution. I’m not very good at answers, but I seem to be really good at talking my way around problems – I’ll give it all I’ve got.

So FWIW, I’m back, and I’m happy to get to spend a few minutes with you again. Look for some opportunities to talk about the church (did you hear the melodramatic “bom-bom-BOM!” like I imagined?) next week.

in HIS love,

About Nick Gill

orphan-poet-adoptee-soldier-prodigal-servant-husband- counselor-desperate seeker after my Father's face "I feel my body weakened by the years as people turn to gods of cruel design. Is it that they fear the pain of death, or is it that they fear the joy of life?" - Toad the Wet Sprocket

Posted on 23 July, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Yay! You’re back! Now to change that pesky RSS feed…

  2. I’m glad you’re back.

    And I, too, have to change the RSS feed. (Have you thought about using Feedburner? 🙂

  3. sigh, i have to update my links now, thanksalot

    glad to have you back in action, though

  4. Well thank goodness! Can’t wait to read what you have to write!

  5. YAY! I’m so happy. :o)

  6. looking forward to the “new” blog…

  7. Wait, you went somewhere? Seriously….

    It is good to see you back my friend.

  8. Cool! Looking forward to it. Hope you post over at Jay’s more, too. You are one of the best posters over there.

    BTW: I remember you now! You lived on the 1st floor (HR) — I lived at the opposite end and I think you knew my roommate (John Brown). Early ’96.

    • Thanks! I’m trying to get caught up on my reading before I start commenting at Jay’s again.

      And that sounds about right for High Rise! Josh Brewer lived down on your end too, right?

  9. Wow, man! Talk about memory lane! I immediately remembered him when you said his name.

    I lived right across the hall from “Hayden”…

  10. Good deal. Updating the blogroll. 1 Cor. 12 certainly applies to how important your offering is to the community of believers.

  1. Pingback: Where Have I Been? « Fumbling Towards Eternity

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