Journeying, Mentoring, Partnering!

“The longer you look at Jesus, you more you will want to serve him in his world. That is, of course, if it’s the real Jesus you’re looking at.” -NT Wright

So! The Bible Journey was a bit of a disaster, huh? At least a debacle! Sorry, Sarah, Alicia, and others who were looking forward to walking alongside me. I didn’t do a very good job of honoring you, huh? I think I did learn a few things, though:

  • That sort of reading plan is WAY too fragmented for a story-loving ADHD reader like me. I need more continuity. I imagine that plan would work for someone else, but I need big chunks of the same narrative day after day, or else my mind gets fragmented, and you don’t even want to know how annoying THAT defrag program is!
  • Keith was right: I’m too busy to write a daily spiritual column at the quality-level I demand from myself. Yes, I know: you’d like to know what standards are being used to call THAT stuff “quality.” Suffice it to say it COULD be even worse!
  • I don’t work well alone. I mean, I read and write alone, but I’m at a place in my journey where I’m really feeling the wisdom of 2 Tim 2:2: be a link in a kingdom chain by mentoring someone and being mentored by someone.

So here’s the idea I’ve been given by a certain mad Scottish preacherman: Read the Gospels over and over for a year. I’m pretty sure I’ve found someone willing to slow their steps on the path long enough for me to catch up and walk along with them for a while (they even think they’ll get something besides aggravation of out the bargain! LOLOL!).

What do YOU think? Are you coaching someone? Being coached? Do you have any goals/plans/wishes like this for 2010?

About Nick Gill

orphan-poet-adoptee-soldier-prodigal-servant-husband- counselor-desperate seeker after my Father's face "I feel my body weakened by the years as people turn to gods of cruel design. Is it that they fear the pain of death, or is it that they fear the joy of life?" - Toad the Wet Sprocket

Posted on 6 January, 2010, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Nick, I started commenting on Mark and for various reasons, got derailed. I have started reading matthew this year. So. I am willing to walk through the gospels with you.

  2. Excellent! I’m thinking about what to say about Mark right now, and then I’ll start Matthew on Friday.

  3. I kind of snorted my coffee a little bit at the thought of me coaching anyone…

    I do have a goal this year, though, of having a devotion time daily — only I’ve put it off until all my family is under one roof.

    You’ve managed to get me interested in the good Bishop of Durham, though, which lead me to drop some change on a BCP and add a couple more books to my “to buy” list. I’m not against, in the least, trying to keep up with daily scripture readings from the OT, NT, and Psalm…

  4. Okay, bro, I’m setting myself up for failure this year: I’m daily-blogging through the Bible. In the first week, I’ve already discovered how easy it is to get a day behind when one’s spouse is out of town for a week, two teenagers have daily needs, and the blogger has a migraine.

    But I’m going to try.

    My church is pursuing “Project 4:4,” named after Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4 – reading through the Word in a year, using F. LaGard Smith’s The Daily Bible.

    About five of us that I know of are dedicated to posting at least occasionally on our progress, and that helps.

    But I’ve also discovered what really makes it hard to do: If your readers are still with you, they’re not commenting. It’s as if when you’re blogging scripture, you’re no longer blogging opinion and they’re afraid to comment or disagree or something – which is crazy, but that’s kind of what I feel when you or fellow bloggers Chris Gonzalez or Douglas Schaefer blog through books or blocks of scripture.

    So send up a little prayer for me, will you? and – drop by!

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